Voices: Ben Zaniello, Chief Medical Officer, PointClickCare

This article is sponsored by PointClickCare. In this Voices interview, Behavioral Health Business sits down with PointClickCare Chief Medical Officer Ben Zaniello to learn about the importance of care coordination in behavioral health as the industry moves toward a post-COVID landscape. He explains how hospitals and health systems are using care coordination to address the […]

Voices: Carrie O’Connell, Senior Director of Clinical Solutions, WellSky

This article is sponsored by WellSky. In this Voices interview, Behavioral Health Business sits down with WellSky’s Carrie O’Connell to learn how the behavioral health industry is leveraging technology to offer effective, accessible care to all. She discusses the regulatory and technological hurdles providers face in the new behavioral health landscape, and she explains how […]

Voices: Lynn Mason, President and CEO, Broadstep

This article is sponsored by Broadstep Behavioral Health. In this Voices interview, Behavioral Health Business sits down with Broadstep President and CEO Lynn Mason to learn how the industry is adjusting to challenges posed by the pandemic. Mason breaks down the current behavioral health crisis in the U.S., shares the work Broadstep is doing to […]

VOICES: Rola Aamar, PhD – Senior Clinical Effectiveness Consultant, Relias

This article is sponsored by Relias. In this Voices interview, Behavioral Health Business sits down with Relias Senior Clinical Effectiveness Consultant Rola Aamar, PhD to learn the ABCs of CCBHCs: Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics. These clinics provide a comprehensive suite of mental and behavioral health services to vulnerable populations. Dr. Aamar walks through the […]