Providers Say Evidence-Based Care May Be Lip Service

Many behavioral health providers, including Lyra Health, Pyramid and Recovery Centers of America, boast that they offer “evidence-based” care. Evidence-based care typically means that clinicians have been trained in research-backed practices, but there is no consensus in the industry. Thus, the term “evidence-based” may be as helpful in determining quality of care as the “natural” […]

SUD Providers Broaden Continuum of Care As Patient Complexity Rises

People with substance use disorders (SUDs) are more likely to have co-occurring disorders, including mental health conditions and physical illnesses.  With that in mind, residential SUD treatment providers are stepping up to offer more comprehensive treatment. Operators are weaving services like psychiatry and eating disorder treatment into residential offerings to provide the necessary breadth of […]

‘Payer Ghosting’ Further Straining Behavioral Health-Health Plan Relationship

Dating slang is helping behavioral health professionals describe a troubling evolution in payer relations. Payer ghosting. In dating, someone “ghosts” another person when they abruptly stop communicating despite previous interest. In this context, payer ghosting occurs when payers stonewall providers on claim reimbursement. This can be a trickier challenge for providers than the typical payer […]

Expect More Distressed Behavioral Health Assets to Come to Market in 2024

Distressed assets in behavioral health are more likely to come to market in 2024, according to several dealmaking professionals. This is bad news for buyers who acquired assets at the top of the market three to five years ago. Multiples are down from atmospheric highs, leaving it unlikely that investors will make exits at their […]

Converting Facilities From Skilled Nursing to Behavioral Health May Save Money, Time

When it comes to creating new behavioral health facilities, buying used may be a better bet than building new. Adaptive reuse conversions involve transforming buildings previously used for another purpose into behavioral health facilities. An increasing portion of the facilities adapted to behavioral health uses are skilled nursing facilities (SNF) or assisted living facilities. If […]

Behavioral Health Urgent Care Models Can ‘Save a Lot of Dollars’ While Helping Patients in Crisis

The emergency department is often the first point of care for patients experiencing a behavioral health crisis. However, a trip to the ED is expensive for patients and payers and often isn’t the most appropriate place for patients. New models of behavioral health urgent care have begun to emerge. These models don’t replace EDs but […]

‘The Measures We Have Are Insufficient’: New Tools Are Needed For Measurement-Based Care 

Payers have increasingly pushed for measurement-based care, but experts question whether the behavioral health industry has the tools to broadly implement the practice. Measurement-based care, in which clinical data is collected throughout treatment, may increase the likelihood that a patient receives evidence-based care. Implementing the practice requires a whole-person approach that includes contextualization and cultural […]